The latest made Italian thulium laser technology is very safe and highly effective for the treatment of enlarged prostate

The latest made Italian thulium laser technology is very safe and highly effective for the treatment of enlarged prostate

Thulium laser innovation is exceptionally useful to cardiac patients. Those cardiovascular patients who are on ecosprin or headache medicine need not to stop the anticoagulant after thulium Laser innovation. At present in the market three laser advancements for amplified prostate accessible in India. At first Holmium laser innovation for prostate came. Because of research Green Light Laser innovation came after Holmium laser innovation. With Green Light Laser innovation tissue is dissipated and removed yet biopsy can not be taken so one can without much of a stretch pass up a major opportunity threat. With further research Italy made Latest and best high power thulium laser innovation for broadened prostate. Thulium Laser innovation has double favorable circumstances of both green light and holmium laser innovation. With this innovation size of the degree is least so there is very safe for urethra. Cardiovascular patient has extremely least grimness and mortality with thulium laser innovation. Thulium laser innovation is absolutely bloodless and prostatic tissue is resected and histopathological assessment of prostate is conceivable so harm isn't passed up a great opportunity. Patient is released straightaway.

With the development of innovation, thulium laser prostate enucleation (ThuLEP) has become a novel treatment choice for for the treatment of enlarged prostate. In 2005, the thulium laser entered clinical practice with an intensity of around 50–120 W, in this way offering propelled vaporization and hemostatic highlights. Thulium seems to give improved vaporization capacity, in this way guaranteeing smooth tissue entry points contrasted with those of the holmium laser. Holmiun laser must be utilized in beat structure; the thulium laser is persistent yet pulsatile. This nature is empowering the specialist to precisely expel the adenoma at the degree of the careful case since it is simpler to recognize the adenoma in this plane. Hypothetically, paying little mind to the size of the prostate, ThuLEP can adequately clear the progress zone.

Thulium laser machines produce a fundamentally the same as wavelength at 2013nm, with physical and tissue properties for all intents and purposes indistinguishable from Holmium, yet with an even shallower 0.25mm profundity of tissue entrance. Thulium lasers offer negligible draining like Holmium, however are all the more dominant, so prostate tissue can be productively disintegrated similarly as with a LBO laser. Thulium laser machines are calmer, require less cooling and needn't bother with an extraordinary power supply. The pillar is likewise consistent instead of beat, and can be utilized for an a lot more extensive scope of delicate tissue applications, open or laparoscopic kidney medical procedure just as ENT and gynecology techniques. Working room wellbeing issues are moderately clear, as at this wavelength the bar can't infiltrate the eye (corneal damage is as yet conceivable).

Advantages of thulium laser technology

Studies have demonstrated that Thulium laser prostatectomy is similarly as viable as the conventional TURP activity, yet offers the benefit of lower paces of draining and different entanglements. It has likewise been appeared to cause less blood misfortune than Holmium laser prostatectomy. The superior Italy-designed thulium laser is used by Dr. Debanga Sarma ,who earned his MBBS, MS, Mch degree from Guwahati Medical College . He has around 20 International Publications and around 10 National Publications. He is specialized in Minimal Invaisive urological surgeries like, 

  1. Laser Prostate Surgery 
  2. Laser Stone Surgery 
  3. Laparoscopic Urologic Surgery 

To know more visit:-
ADDRESS:- GATE HospitalZoo-Narengi Road, near GitaMandir, Mathgharia, Guwahati, Assam 781020 Phone:- 600-330-1038
